Thursday, October 29, 2009


It was career day today on 10/29\2009 and I thought it was fun!and I was a Singer my friend Hnnah was a Teacher my other friend Summer was a Chef. But it won't be fun when I have an actuall career!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Time is Here

WOW!!! Have you seen the leaves?! If you haven’t ,… you need to!! They're all orange and red and some are still really pretty dark looking green! Don’t you like them!!? If not well that’s CRAZY! There Beautiful!! Seriously look at them! Do I look like I’m kidding to you?? Oh wait… you cant answer that question! Well anyways I don’t! Well thanks for reading! Breanna

What a Wedding!

What a wedding we went to! It was MARVELOUS! Almost everyone was there; Aunt Rachel, Uncle Brad, Caroline, Great Grandma & Great Grandpa Kaufman, Aunt Gina, Uncle Andy, Drew, Kate, Drake, Uncle Roger & Aunt Courtney, Mom, Grandma & Grandpa, me and Kylie! WOW!! Lots of people and even more went to the wedding. Aunt Kara and Uncle Ryan are pretty popular!!! Well anyway it was beautiful! We'll have them a gift by Halloween. Breanna

Silly Caroline!

We went to a wedding on 10/24/09 and we got to see Caroline. She was really fun and bigger and older from last time I got to see her! She was most fun in the car on the way to - I’m Stuffed Pizza – the place we got her to sing and we sang the alphabet song and I taught her how to sing the letters ‘H’ and ‘Y’ so now she loves saying the ‘H’ and ‘Y’ it’s funny… so I can’t wait to see her again in the winter. Breanna

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Yesterday we carved our own pumpkins. We made big-big pumpkins. mine had an oval shaped mouth so it looked like he was saying mwa-hahaha!!! It had triangle eyes with see through stick on eyes on top I admit I thought Shus pumpkin was pretty pathetic it had vampire teeth goofy eyes it was hilarious!!! But the pumpkin tops fell off really quick. I love carving!!!!

BAD dog

My dog is fluffy white and funny. He always sticks his tongue out at me! He chases his tail. He eats EVERYTHING ~ even my homework! and my toys... and our birth certificates!! We try feeding him - but he wont eat his dog food. My dog has blue eyes. He chases me when I run from him. His breath smells like... my toys!! This dog is danger. He kisses me always.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

rocket launcher

hey it's me Breanna I launched a rocket today.uncle Ryan\RHINO Kylie was a Minnie you today but WORSE can you believe it WORSE.any way it was awesome.when I launched the rocket[at the football Field]the grass actually caught on fire and grandpa had to put it out with his foot and then we lost the rocket and now grandpa's still looking for it.