Monday, December 7, 2009

Gingerbread houses

Today we made ginger bread houses and we had a lot of fun! Have you read Kylies blog yet well when she wrote she should have won the contest she said that because we had a contest and grandpa was the judge and he tied us Kylie made hers with grandma and I did mine by myself but we had lots and lots of fun so grandpa tasted Kylies ginger bread house and he said it tasted really good but he only looked at mine so now we are putting up the Christmas tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We made ginger bread houses to night it was fun I say I should of won in the contest mine was so cool I loved it and we're about to do the Christmas tree I think it will be fun. It is December 6, 2009 hey almost Christmas my favorite time of the year well...

Bye Bye

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Art of the Hand and Foot

Today I went to the Lakeshore Black Belt Academy. I now know several punches and blocks – from just one lesson!!!!! I also learned a stance. This is going to be tricky for me – I have to work hard to get a black belt!! This is going to teach me respect and discipline! I have to practice very very very hard! I love it!! It is VERY hard but FUN!!


Christmas Tree OH Christmas Tree...

The year is 2009 in the middle of December and we just put up our Christmas tree and it is huge. Were lucky our dog ZEKE did not mess it up YET!!! But my dog seriously would really do that kind of stuff! You may think our tree could not really be that big but trust me it can be!!! You know if you saw my Christmas tree you would be surprised and you would have to admit our tree is huge!! Now you might think our tree is big because it touches the ceiling but our ceiling is not even close to HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Video

We love pumpkin squares and Thanksgiving and turkey! We discovered that we were missing someone at the Thanksgiving feast. It was Mike. He couldn't make it. We still had a lot of fun. This video shows how much fun we had! We hope you like it and Thanksgiving too! And Ryan and Kara spent the night.

But before the video, this is what we are thankful for:

Breanna: 1. Uncle Rynie and Aunt Kara, 2. A house, 3. Thanksgiving, 4. God, 5. Zeek the geek (my dog)

Kylie: 1. Family, 2. Home, 3. Outdoors, 4. Animals, 5. Plants

Now for the video!

And our more serious one:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

family dinner

I love pumpkin squares we are having 13 people at thanksgiving! it will be ryan /kara /cindy /brad/kylie/breanna/shu/renee/macie/mason/mandy/mardy/mike.  we're all  going to be there by tomorrow.  were cooking and the house smells so good tonight!
by kylie parcher.                                                                                                               

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Betty Botter ~ just for fun!!

Betty Botter

Betty Botter
bought some butter
"but," she said
"the butter's bitter.
if I put it
in my batter
it will make
my batter bitter,
but a bit
of better butter
that would make
my batter better".

So she bought
a bit of butter,
better than
her bitter butter,
and she put it
in her batter,
and the batter
was not bitter.
So 'twas better
Betty Batter
bought a bit of
better butter!

Batter Batter Baseball!

Grandpa, Kylie and I were outside driving the race car (pictured below).  Macie my friend came out and we asked her if she wanted to come over and play.  She said she would.  Macie came over along with her dad Marty.  We all played baseball in the front yard, then we went over to Macies and made a sauce out of water, gross leaves, dirt, tree bark, cat food and strips from the tree.  We did NOT eat it!  Oh and after we added everything we put in poison berrys.  After that we played in the backyard.  Macie asked to go around the block but she took not a bike but a scooter - one that is tiny tiny and has a seat but Macie had me get on WITH her!  Macie pushed me on it.  Oh and you sit down - well Macie pushed me and then I pushed her but then we had to come home and we had a cup of hot chocolate that my grandpa made us.  P.S. the hot chocolate was delicious!!

Lost Coin

I went to Sunday School on Sunday and heard a story about a woman and it went like this... There was a lady with ten gold coins and these coins were the only ones she had and they were important because women didn't have job's a long time ago until one day the lady lost one of her coins. She grabbed the broom and swept like a maniac until she saw a flash of metal - so she dug around and found her coin and yelled with JOY!! Her neighbors came to see what all the commotion was and rejoiced with her!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Guess what ~ we went Geocaching today!  We found one of the three caches in a hole under a brick.  The cache was in a peaunt can! I took a thing that makes your tongue glow! Kylie didn't take anything this time.

Race Car

Grandpa shouwed us his remote controlled race car that he got a long time ago.  I seen it getting charged and I got all excited!  After it had charged a couple of hours we were able to drive it for about an hour and then it ran out of 'gas'!  We had a lot of fun driving the little race car though!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


We went trick or treating- it really stunk! I got a cold and we had to drink hot chocolate... but I am better now! My favorite candy I collected was Reese’s... they are the best.. my sister got sour patch kids - I didn't. kylie

Thursday, October 29, 2009


It was career day today on 10/29\2009 and I thought it was fun!and I was a Singer my friend Hnnah was a Teacher my other friend Summer was a Chef. But it won't be fun when I have an actuall career!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Time is Here

WOW!!! Have you seen the leaves?! If you haven’t ,… you need to!! They're all orange and red and some are still really pretty dark looking green! Don’t you like them!!? If not well that’s CRAZY! There Beautiful!! Seriously look at them! Do I look like I’m kidding to you?? Oh wait… you cant answer that question! Well anyways I don’t! Well thanks for reading! Breanna

What a Wedding!

What a wedding we went to! It was MARVELOUS! Almost everyone was there; Aunt Rachel, Uncle Brad, Caroline, Great Grandma & Great Grandpa Kaufman, Aunt Gina, Uncle Andy, Drew, Kate, Drake, Uncle Roger & Aunt Courtney, Mom, Grandma & Grandpa, me and Kylie! WOW!! Lots of people and even more went to the wedding. Aunt Kara and Uncle Ryan are pretty popular!!! Well anyway it was beautiful! We'll have them a gift by Halloween. Breanna

Silly Caroline!

We went to a wedding on 10/24/09 and we got to see Caroline. She was really fun and bigger and older from last time I got to see her! She was most fun in the car on the way to - I’m Stuffed Pizza – the place we got her to sing and we sang the alphabet song and I taught her how to sing the letters ‘H’ and ‘Y’ so now she loves saying the ‘H’ and ‘Y’ it’s funny… so I can’t wait to see her again in the winter. Breanna

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Yesterday we carved our own pumpkins. We made big-big pumpkins. mine had an oval shaped mouth so it looked like he was saying mwa-hahaha!!! It had triangle eyes with see through stick on eyes on top I admit I thought Shus pumpkin was pretty pathetic it had vampire teeth goofy eyes it was hilarious!!! But the pumpkin tops fell off really quick. I love carving!!!!

BAD dog

My dog is fluffy white and funny. He always sticks his tongue out at me! He chases his tail. He eats EVERYTHING ~ even my homework! and my toys... and our birth certificates!! We try feeding him - but he wont eat his dog food. My dog has blue eyes. He chases me when I run from him. His breath smells like... my toys!! This dog is danger. He kisses me always.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

rocket launcher

hey it's me Breanna I launched a rocket today.uncle Ryan\RHINO Kylie was a Minnie you today but WORSE can you believe it WORSE.any way it was awesome.when I launched the rocket[at the football Field]the grass actually caught on fire and grandpa had to put it out with his foot and then we lost the rocket and now grandpa's still looking for it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Time Blog

Hi - I am Breanna and this is our first time doing a blog. Kylie my sister will be doing this blog with me. We are both delighted to do this blog! We will be writing, posting videos and pictures about things we do and stuff we want to show you.

We hope you like our blog - we sincerely work hard on it.

Breanna and Kylie