Thursday, November 19, 2009

Batter Batter Baseball!

Grandpa, Kylie and I were outside driving the race car (pictured below).  Macie my friend came out and we asked her if she wanted to come over and play.  She said she would.  Macie came over along with her dad Marty.  We all played baseball in the front yard, then we went over to Macies and made a sauce out of water, gross leaves, dirt, tree bark, cat food and strips from the tree.  We did NOT eat it!  Oh and after we added everything we put in poison berrys.  After that we played in the backyard.  Macie asked to go around the block but she took not a bike but a scooter - one that is tiny tiny and has a seat but Macie had me get on WITH her!  Macie pushed me on it.  Oh and you sit down - well Macie pushed me and then I pushed her but then we had to come home and we had a cup of hot chocolate that my grandpa made us.  P.S. the hot chocolate was delicious!!

1 comment:

Rachel Goode said...

Remind me to NEVER eat your cooking, unless you cook with FOOD instead of mud & poison berries!! :-) We love you girls!